samdiablo666: 11/365
samdiablo666: Kitten Milk
samdiablo666: "Hippy soap, come get your hippy soap!"
samdiablo666: DC: hippy soap buyer!
samdiablo666: The V word
samdiablo666: (You gotta have) Faith
samdiablo666: Grave Architecture
samdiablo666: Ghosts in the graveyard
samdiablo666: DC and the Seahorse
samdiablo666: Calling Occupants Of Interplanetary Craft
samdiablo666: The trials and tribulations of Zack Trench
samdiablo666: Names have been changed to protect the innocent
samdiablo666: Slide Away
samdiablo666: Moody band shot #324*
samdiablo666: "Man, how many moody band pose shots do we have to do?!"
samdiablo666: A bridge too far
samdiablo666: DC: "Found you!"
samdiablo666: "Hey ladiessss!"
samdiablo666: Deborah Cohen can't contain her disgust
samdiablo666: DC: swan cynic
samdiablo666: Watching the water
samdiablo666: "Ooh, a narrow boat!"
samdiablo666: Giants and tiny trees
samdiablo666: Wandering through the woods
samdiablo666: "I wonder if there are any bears around here?!"
samdiablo666: Forest friends