sambot: If this doesn't scare the crap out of you...
sambot: New Haven Train Station
sambot: Telephone Box
sambot: Taking Photos
sambot: Unicorn?
sambot: Must have had a rough night...
sambot: Golden Statue (and bird) outside of the Buckingham Palace
sambot: Anatomically Correct
sambot: Me and Lion
sambot: Me, Lion, and Rebecca
sambot: Us and Lion
sambot: Yes, this was our hotel room...
sambot: Xmas Festival
sambot: R.
sambot: Westminster Abbey
sambot: Ben
sambot: Parliment
sambot: Parliment
sambot: Thames
sambot: Me and a Ninja hug with snow in the background outside Westminster Abbey
sambot: Wesminster Abbey and Snow
sambot: Martinis
sambot: In the Tube
sambot: Too close
sambot: Rebecca Photographs Stonehenge
sambot: Rebecca and Stonehenge
sambot: Us and Stonehenge
sambot: Rebecca Points
sambot: Rebecca Sits
sambot: I'm married to her...