sambot: Rebecca and a Big Tree
sambot: In a Big Tree
sambot: It's Us!
sambot: Rocks and Sky
sambot: Mountains...
sambot: Climbing the Peak
sambot: Mountains... I've lost track
sambot: Hahaha! Mountains!
sambot: Scary Tree
sambot: Flowa
sambot: Smiles
sambot: Oh god... more mountains
sambot: The Bus
sambot: Rocky Feet
sambot: Salt Tan
sambot: Brian Atop the Bus
sambot: Duhhhhh
sambot: Duhhhh
sambot: Duhhh
sambot: Duhh
sambot: Duh
sambot: Mountains... I've lost count
sambot: See How the Clowd Follows the Shape of the Rock?
sambot: Rock Thingies. From a Different Angle
sambot: We Were Walking on This
sambot: Pretty
sambot: Ominious Cloud
sambot: Rock Thingy in Salty Lake
sambot: Rebecca and Rock Thingy
sambot: Yet More Rock Thingy