Sam Barricklow:
Valles Caldera, New Mexico in 720nm infrared
Sam Barricklow:
SuperMoon over Dallas, Texas
Sam Barricklow:
Sam Barricklow:
May 24, 2016 - Tornadoes between Minneola and Dodge City, Kansas
Sam Barricklow:
May 24, 2016 - Tornadoes between Minneola and Dodge City, Kansas
Sam Barricklow:
May 9, 2016 @ 5:15 PM - Supercell thunderstorm on the east side of Kingston, Oklahoma
Sam Barricklow:
Sam Barricklow:
May 9, 2016 @ 8:10 PM - Mammatus produced by a tornadic thunderstorm near Paris, Texas
Sam Barricklow:
May 9, 2016 @ 5:26 PM - Extremely brilliant rainbow west of Durant, Oklahoma
Sam Barricklow:
Highly Sheared Towering Cumulus
Sam Barricklow:
April 26, 2016 @ 5:31 PM CDST - Supercell north of Chillicothe, Texas
Sam Barricklow:
April 26, 2016 @ 4:58 PM CDST - Supercell south of Chillicothe, Texas
Sam Barricklow:
Panorama of a Severe Hailstorm at Sunset
Sam Barricklow:
April 11, 2016 - North Texas Hail Storms
Sam Barricklow:
April 11, 2016 at 7:40 PM CDST Supercell Thunderstorm
Sam Barricklow:
Golden Sunset Color on a Tornado Warned Supercell
Sam Barricklow:
Hope, Arkansas Tornado Warned Supercell at Sunset
Sam Barricklow:
Sam Barricklow:
Tornado damage in Garland, Texas that occurred on December 26, 2015
Sam Barricklow:
Fiery Sunset over Dallas - December 9, 2015
Sam Barricklow:
Downtown Dallas at Sunset viewed from White Rock Lake
Sam Barricklow:
Sunset at White Rock Lake Park
Sam Barricklow:
Panoramic view of the Dallas, Texas skyline
Sam Barricklow:
Cirrus clouds over a North Texas pond.
Sam Barricklow:
Panoramic photo of the K5RA operating tent and tower locations.
Sam Barricklow:
June 19, 2015 - Storm northeast of Anna, Texas in black and white
Sam Barricklow:
Spillway at Lake Texoma
Sam Barricklow:
June 19, 2015 - The flooding Red River at the I-35 overpass.
Sam Barricklow:
Brahman Cattle and Wind Turbine west of Abilene, Texas
Sam Barricklow:
American Basket Flower at Brownwood Lake Park in Texas