eL Bz: A bit of movement around there
eL Bz: These are (more or less) in sequence.
eL Bz: The first indicator
eL Bz: Reaching
eL Bz: Growing Closer
eL Bz: Nice
eL Bz: Longer, wider view of the coming show
eL Bz: This was a good sign there was activity ahead
eL Bz: Time to watch.
eL Bz: Now we're getting somewhere...
eL Bz: Oh, maybe I should hurry. This might be a good one.
eL Bz: Inspirations, like, you know
eL Bz: Nice up there, though, and a cool wind was blowing through.
eL Bz: Just not sure what.
eL Bz: Now I was sure there was something to this storm chasing idea.
eL Bz: Hm. What'sit?
eL Bz: Now, that is an interesting formation. Maybe I can get closer, I thought.
eL Bz: Tail of it seemed to be the most interesting part at first.
eL Bz: Well, a couple more shots wouldn't hurt, I thought.
eL Bz: Sure looked cool.
eL Bz: I think both were good choices.
eL Bz: Kept shooting. Couldn't decide whether wide or tele was better.
eL Bz: Shot a few very hastily
eL Bz: The little tails started to disappear
eL Bz: This, I thought, is a cool formation.
eL Bz: Mothership?
eL Bz: Just a bit of pano action
eL Bz: I don't know what those little tails were
eL Bz: Well, glad I had 2 cameras.
eL Bz: Figured, well, a few shots of a farm are great, but I'm here for clouds.