eL Bz: Ma and the Turtle
eL Bz: Lines
eL Bz: Hello, the turtle says
eL Bz: And the water comes down from that away to this pump....
eL Bz: Sundown
eL Bz: Sky and stuff
eL Bz: I gotta try not to be so serious
eL Bz: two images, one out of focus more
eL Bz: Tracking
eL Bz: eelacanth 232, happy onomatopoeia
eL Bz: Waves chunks and grit
eL Bz: liner blocks
eL Bz: Lining
eL Bz: How it's made
eL Bz: Patterning
eL Bz: Looks smaller from a ways away.
eL Bz: another in the photo archives of reflectiveness
eL Bz: To curve drily today, wet tomorrow
eL Bz: Oddly shaped thingy with the capitol in the bkgd
eL Bz: Y?
eL Bz: Dad and Mom on site
eL Bz: Here, more wheat.
eL Bz: Surveying the Antelope Valley proj
eL Bz: terex
eL Bz: "O" Street bridge
eL Bz: Taped
eL Bz: Kitty
eL Bz: BW Version
eL Bz: Antelope Valley Shots Explanation
eL Bz: Antelope Valley 14