Craftyness: Day 2: Light. Hopefully it's obvious it's a sun #doodleadaymarch
Craftyness: An envelope to go with my #fresh postcard #envelope #fruit #handrawn #doodleadaymarch
Craftyness: Day 1: Fresh #doodleadaymarch I've decided to create each doodle as a postcard
Craftyness: Day 3: Transportation I actually thought of not doing a transport but then could resist. Remember if you want any of my doodles just let me know #doodleadaymarch #doodleaday #campervan #transport #transportation
Craftyness: Day 4: Nature #photoadaymarch #photoaday #feather #nature
Craftyness: Day 4: favourite letter... Snail mail, stationery, stamp, me, surprises #doodleadaymarch #doodleaday #handdrawn #snailmail #penpal #postcard
Craftyness: Day 6: Treasure #postcard #doodleadaymarch #doodleaday #camera #film #polaroid #usbcable #momories
Craftyness: Day 7: in the woods #doodleaday #doodleadaymarch #tree #seasons
Craftyness: Day 8: someone who inspires you! I get up for no one or nothing so early! I don't watch tv unless I'm with you, you force me not to be so lazy by demanding we be so creative! The list goes on... #doodleadaymarch #doodleaday #niece #family #postcard
Craftyness: Day 9: Sign flip flops always remind me of summer! #postcard #doodleaday #doodleadaymarch #summer #polkadots
Craftyness: Day 10: time. When feeling blue... Will probably back on to white
Craftyness: Day 11: hop I spent many happy days playing this, we didn't need money spent on us to be entertained! The good old days! #hopscotch #doodleadaymarch #doodleaday
Craftyness: Day 12: what are you listening to! Not by choose I can hear a motorbike or quad bike but both looked impossible to draw so choose a moped! Well the proof is in the pudding, I can't draw that either!
Craftyness: Day 12: Toy I always wanted one of these, I didn't finish my hello because usually we butchered it in the first bit #doodleaday #doodleadaymarch #etchasketch
Craftyness: Day 14: brave I 'tried' drawing #braveheart from the #carebears I don't think it looks anything like it which is why I didn't add colour #doodleaday #doodleadaymarch
Craftyness: Day 15: sweet #candylaces #candyfloss #sweets #sugarcubes #millions #doodleadaymarch #doodleaday #envelope #snailmail
Craftyness: Day 16: door I would love my house to have a black wooden door with a fancy letter box and a vine but first I need house #doodleadaymarch #doodleaday #door #letterbox #plant #snailmail #envelope
Craftyness: Day 17: green I love green apples or in most cases Granny Smiths #doodleaday #doodleadaymarch #apple
Craftyness: Day 18: kitchen I would love s set of novelty salt and pepper shakers, these are some that I gave away on my blog
Craftyness: Day 19: Calm sometimes when one is feeling so tense it's nice to unwind with some great music. #doodleaday #doodleadaymarch #tapes #tapeplayer #music
Craftyness: Day 20: outside #doodle #doodleaday #doodleadaymarch #outside #rain #wellingtons #umbrella
Craftyness: Day 22: friendship what better friendship is there then someone you write to. I share my whole self this way than to someone I see in person. #doodleadaymarch #doodleaday #postcard #snailmail #friendship #envelope #pen #stamp
Craftyness: Day 22: Dream For happier sunnier days! #doodleaday #doodleadaymarch #hearts #sun #clouds
Craftyness: After so many great comments I decided to colour my #braveheart in for my #doodleadaymarch
Craftyness: Day 23: Vintage I thought of so many characters I wanted to draw but in then end I went with these 2 as I loved to watch them as a child and often wonder why they never come on anymore! Popeye should really have been one I drew. #doodleaday #doodleadaymar
Craftyness: To go with the postcard I posted before this #aliceinwonderland #envelope #snailmail #decotape #silhouette #teaparty
Craftyness: Day 24: Open! The one I showed before really lacked something even though I wanted to keep it plain so I continued with the silhouette theme and pink. #doodleadaymarch #doodleaday #envelope #aliceinwonderland #bottle #open #drink #snailmail
Craftyness: Day 25: building(s) I'd love to live somewhere with streets as colourful as this unfortunately that isn't bradford so I'll keep dreaming #buildings #doodle #doodleaday #doodleadaymarch #colourful #rainbow #quaint #town #dream
Craftyness: Day 26: Star #doodleadaymarch #doodleaday #doodle #star
Craftyness: Day 27 & 28: #present & #heart #postcard #snailmail