Samara Barzane: Sam, Fury & Rik on the beach at Phreak Isle
Samara Barzane: Rik, Septimus & Sam lazing away ...
Samara Barzane: Another early Sam -- her first nice hair, dress and shoes
Samara Barzane: Sam dancing at Filthy Fluno's Art Opening
Samara Barzane: Sam looking pouty
Samara Barzane: May I have this dance?
Samara Barzane: 20 meters under the sea
Samara Barzane: Sam and Rik dancing at Seabreeze Gallery
Samara Barzane: Umm ... Rik ... was this on the map???
Samara Barzane: Sam dressed for the ride
Samara Barzane: Great Gun! Look at that fleet:)
Samara Barzane: Sometime the best maps don't take into account the vagaries of SL
Samara Barzane: "White Night" at The Dockside
Samara Barzane: Hard a lee! Aye captain!
Samara Barzane: Sam drumming at Svarga Island
Samara Barzane: Dancing in the Streets at Cetus Gallery District
Samara Barzane: Rik's harem at Seabreeze
Samara Barzane: Sam & Ella compare notes on shoes ...
Samara Barzane: The 2nd SL Relay for Life sim
Samara Barzane: Now which side will make me taller ?
Samara Barzane: A concert at the 2nd SL Relay for Life
Samara Barzane: The 2nd SL Relay for Life
Samara Barzane: Sam eyes the sink at Greenies
Samara Barzane: Pressing matters!
Samara Barzane: Uhhhh Tricia? That poseball needs fixin'
Samara Barzane: Party on Tricia's roof at Cetus Gallery District
Samara Barzane: Party in Cetus again!
Samara Barzane: Friends Talking at Silent sim ;)
Samara Barzane: Fire, fire, burning bright .. At Phreak Isle with PHURY ... ooops FURY
Samara Barzane: At "Frustrated" -- Watch where you sit!