Samantha Jones Photography:
#214/365 - Week 1
Samantha Jones Photography:
Maternity session with Liz and Steve - Week 2
Samantha Jones Photography:
Calendar detail #226/365 - Week 3
Samantha Jones Photography:
My name in Chinese ... #232/365 - Week 4
Samantha Jones Photography:
My new best friend ... #236/365 - Week 5
Samantha Jones Photography:
It was my birthday recently ... #237/365 - Week 6
Samantha Jones Photography:
Princess - Week 7
Samantha Jones Photography:
Snowdrop on bark - Week 8
Samantha Jones Photography:
White dress blue sky lens flare - Week 9
Samantha Jones Photography:
Chris and Dan at the Faversham Bistrot - Week 10
Samantha Jones Photography:
Willow - week 11
Samantha Jones Photography:
Daffodils Week 12
Samantha Jones Photography:
Rosie Week 13
Samantha Jones Photography:
Lavender and pearls Week 14
Samantha Jones Photography:
Wedding cake topper Week 15
Samantha Jones Photography:
Rocking the Frock at Whitstable Week 20
Samantha Jones Photography:
Seeds of Change - new product Week 24