samlovesherdog: monarch butterfly in the lavander field 2
samlovesherdog: harbes farm barn
samlovesherdog: jumping in a jumpy barn
samlovesherdog: heading to the blueberry patch
samlovesherdog: blueberry picking 2
samlovesherdog: blueberry picking
samlovesherdog: blueberry picking 3
samlovesherdog: in the blueberry patch
samlovesherdog: dandelion henry
samlovesherdog: riding Bounty the pony
samlovesherdog: farm slide
samlovesherdog: hooray for the beach
samlovesherdog: beach prancing
samlovesherdog: beach castle building
samlovesherdog: playing at the beach
samlovesherdog: pebbly beach
samlovesherdog: ice cream2
samlovesherdog: ice cream
samlovesherdog: hot chocolate morning
samlovesherdog: sunny breakfast at the diner
samlovesherdog: view from the diner
samlovesherdog: old timey diner
samlovesherdog: monarch butterfly in the lavendar field
samlovesherdog: dinner time