samlovesherdog: birthday boy
samlovesherdog: Mike and Hannah look at Mike's gifts
samlovesherdog: Pre-kiss
samlovesherdog: Brian and Mike
samlovesherdog: Mike and Hannah think deeply about butter cream cakes
samlovesherdog: Dave looking longingly as Mike cuts
samlovesherdog: Brian gesticulates
samlovesherdog: Chad gets excited about chocolate
samlovesherdog: Joan is happy
samlovesherdog: Chad strokes Joan's buzz
samlovesherdog: Brian looks incredulous
samlovesherdog: mid conversation with Joan
samlovesherdog: concentrating on cutting the scrumptious cake
samlovesherdog: cake cutter
samlovesherdog: Brian eats a Pizza pie
samlovesherdog: Mike and Ethan
samlovesherdog: Robyn seduces the camera
samlovesherdog: I protect the cake box
samlovesherdog: Joan smiles
samlovesherdog: pensive Mike and Brian
samlovesherdog: Joan talks to me as Dave takes her picture
samlovesherdog: Dave tells me to pose again...cause the last one was not so good
samlovesherdog: Brian feeds Robyn bread at Lunetta
samlovesherdog: Robyn and Brian