samantha.deir: 36/3.6.5 let's go back in time.
samantha.deir: failure.
samantha.deir: 2/3.6.5
samantha.deir: 6/3.6.5 just a thought
samantha.deir: 16/3.6.5 shocking news.
samantha.deir: 21/3.6.5
samantha.deir: 22/3.6.5 so close i can taste it.
samantha.deir: 23/3.6.5 whoa.
samantha.deir: 24/3.6.5
samantha.deir: 31/3.6.5
samantha.deir: 34/3.6.5
samantha.deir: Sunset on the Empire State Building.
samantha.deir: tangled thoughts.
samantha.deir: May the fourth be with you.
samantha.deir: DSCN2168
samantha.deir: The lunatic is on the grass, remembering games and daisy chains and laughs.
samantha.deir: They Call Me On and On Across the Universe
samantha.deir: Park la Brea