SamanthaCass: Jacob B&W
SamanthaCass: Jacob Color
SamanthaCass: Jacob Hut!
SamanthaCass: Jacob Hut! (color)
SamanthaCass: Jacob pulling the grass
SamanthaCass: Touchdown
SamanthaCass: Jacob Throwing Football
SamanthaCass: Jacob throwing football (color)
SamanthaCass: Jacob Football
SamanthaCass: Jacob throwing the Football
SamanthaCass: Jacob Football Pic
SamanthaCass: Jacob Football
SamanthaCass: Jacob Ready to Run
SamanthaCass: Jacob Sept 2011
SamanthaCass: Jacob Sept 2011
SamanthaCass: Jacob Sept 2011
SamanthaCass: Jacob at 10 ten days old (2 years ago)
SamanthaCass: Jacob at the park
SamanthaCass: Jacob Looking at the Park