sam and jo: L744_Whitfell
sam and jo: Kinmont Buck Barrow, Great Paddy Crag and Buck Barrow from Corney Fell Road
sam and jo: Great Paddy Crag summit
sam and jo: Buck Barrow
sam and jo: Buck Barrow summit
sam and jo: Kinmont Buck Barrow from Buck Barrow
sam and jo: Kinmont Buck Barrow summit
sam and jo: Burn Moor and Whitfell
sam and jo: Burn Moor summit
sam and jo: Whitfell from Burn Moor
sam and jo: Whitfell summit
sam and jo: Whitfell summit trig
sam and jo: Plough Fell
sam and jo: Plough Fell summit
sam and jo: Stoneside Hill
sam and jo: Stoneside Hill summit