sam and jo: L557_Harter Fell (Eskdale)
sam and jo: Hall Dunnerdale.
sam and jo: River Duddon, Hall Dunnerdale.
sam and jo: Hall Dunnerdale.
sam and jo: Wallowbarrow Crag from High Wallowbarrow
sam and jo: Wallowbarrow Crag summit
sam and jo: Low Stoneythwaite from Wallowbarrow Crag.
sam and jo: Dunnerdale from Wallowbarrow Crag.
sam and jo: Harter Fell from Wallowbarrow Crag.
sam and jo: Grassguards.
sam and jo: Green Crag.
sam and jo: Green Crag summit
sam and jo: Green Crag summit.
sam and jo: Harter Fell from Green Crag.
sam and jo: Harter Fell (Eskdale) summit
sam and jo: Maiden Castle, Harter Fell (Eskdale)
sam and jo: Down to Birks, Dunnerdale.
sam and jo: River Duddon.
sam and jo: Dunnerdale.