Sam Schmidt: Standing tall
Sam Schmidt: Burrowing Owl pair at sunset
Sam Schmidt: Snowy Egret
Sam Schmidt: Nutella Mustache
Sam Schmidt: snake and bug on tree
Sam Schmidt: Alcatraz
Sam Schmidt: Eagle Lake
Sam Schmidt: Keep Tahoe Blue (shoot with a polarizer)
Sam Schmidt: Northern Saw-Whet Owl (not pygmy owl)
Sam Schmidt: Long Marine Lab
Sam Schmidt: Muir Woods path
Sam Schmidt: Drake's Beach
Sam Schmidt: Downtown and Mt. Rainier
Sam Schmidt: Grebe with baby on nest
Sam Schmidt: skyline
Sam Schmidt: bowl mushroom
Sam Schmidt: The Trick or Treat-ers
Sam Schmidt: walking through leaves
Sam Schmidt: Frick scene
Sam Schmidt: Mother and child
Sam Schmidt: Lighting
Sam Schmidt: hilarious
Sam Schmidt: people and flowers
Sam Schmidt: Nest building
Sam Schmidt: Shoes from the future
Sam Schmidt: Havin a beer
Sam Schmidt: Chelsea Sun reflection
Sam Schmidt: Burrowing Owl Chick
Sam Schmidt: Adult burrowing owl