sam2cents: Honeysuckle
sam2cents: The last arrow in the quiver
sam2cents: Precocious Primroses
sam2cents: Daffodils!
sam2cents: Primrose on the verge of blooming
sam2cents: Snowdrops
sam2cents: Hope
sam2cents: The Birth of Spring
sam2cents: Crocus ecstasy: this is their moment
sam2cents: Shamrock Tears
sam2cents: Ramsons - wild garlic
sam2cents: Hawthorn blossom on the Sea Road
sam2cents: The garden path
sam2cents: Goldfinch, Thistle and Wasp
sam2cents: Daisies
sam2cents: Snowdrops!
sam2cents: La Prima Vera 2011
sam2cents: Lesser Celandine
sam2cents: Primrose bloom
sam2cents: Lesser Celandine - for Marie, to help melt the snow
sam2cents: Scarlet Pimpernel
sam2cents: Hummingbird Moth
sam2cents: November poppies
sam2cents: Primrose
sam2cents: Water-lily