Sambones: Extent of Hidden rock Shelter
Sambones: Bear Paws
Sambones: Amazing two headed Sheep
Sambones: Paint Preparation Grind Stone
Sambones: Sheep pecked petroglyph
Sambones: The Petroglyphs in Place
Sambones: Rock Art Panel
Sambones: Bear Paws
Sambones: Taking photos of Bear Print pecked petroglyph
Sambones: Amazing two headed Sheep
Sambones: Man with Antlers
Sambones: Rock Painting completely intact
Sambones: Man with Antlers petroglyph
Sambones: View up Mill Creek
Sambones: Petroglyph of Sheep and Elk tracks
Sambones: Headdress on male figure. From Petroglyph west of Moab
Sambones: More confusing panels
Sambones: Horned figures holding....something?
Sambones: Elk and little men
Sambones: IMG_2633
Sambones: IMG_2631
Sambones: Huge Bear petroglyph
Sambones: Tower House
Sambones: More Cliff Dwellings