salvg: Wildlife Food
salvg: Giant Worms
salvg: Cruel
salvg: Wildlife photographer
salvg: Wildlife Food
salvg: Mole close up
salvg: Mole appears
salvg: More bizarre activity
salvg: Camoflaged
salvg: Claire's eyeball
salvg: Claire looks...
salvg: Giant worms
salvg: ...for wildlife food
salvg: filming
salvg: Attracting wildlife
salvg: Magnified flower
salvg: Mole hills
salvg: Worm's eye view
salvg: Trading my token...
salvg: The Hide
salvg: Duckling
salvg: in the hide
salvg: Magnified lily pads
salvg: Wildlife Food
salvg: Swan
salvg: Strange activity
salvg: Worm balloon
salvg: Thinking about food
salvg: Worm for lunch
salvg: Andrew