salvg: Giant lemons outside Pompeii
salvg: Pompeii entrance
salvg: Pompeii restoration
salvg: Pillar in restoration
salvg: Courtyard
salvg: Pillar
salvg: Main area in town
salvg: Vesuvius
salvg: Altar
salvg: Pillars
salvg: Altar
salvg: Arch with Vesuvius
salvg: Mosaic
salvg: Pool
salvg: Pillars
salvg: Pillars in painted room
salvg: Pub
salvg: Remains
salvg: Arches
salvg: Baker's oven
salvg: Bakers
salvg: Stream
salvg: Pub
salvg: Stone detail
salvg: Arch and street
salvg: Statues and pots
salvg: Preserved body at Pompeii
salvg: Preserved body at Pompeii
salvg: Preserved body at Pompeii
salvg: Statue at Pompeii