salvagekat: Jon was right
salvagekat: getting ready
salvagekat: Caroline
salvagekat: Wes (6)
salvagekat: blurred thoughts (25)
salvagekat: Sunshine on a Friday afternoon
salvagekat: Beautiful day
salvagekat: breezy
salvagekat: contemplative
salvagekat: views
salvagekat: stepping down
salvagekat: post-shopping
salvagekat: end of day 2
salvagekat: a show
salvagekat: evening light
salvagekat: winning
salvagekat: in the elevator
salvagekat: at Cafe Margarita
salvagekat: Michelle and Matt visit!
salvagekat: umbrellas and fishing poles
salvagekat: grenki
salvagekat: prepping for the excitement
salvagekat: Kat at the bridge
salvagekat: Jon and a White Night
salvagekat: a break
salvagekat: after a day of work
salvagekat: generalized anxiety
salvagekat: man on a walk
salvagekat: House hunting. #notpayingforyourmurals