salvagekat: Pumpkin carving
salvagekat: jon carving
salvagekat: jon's lit pumpkin
salvagekat: lit pumpkin
salvagekat: jon and pumpkins
salvagekat: Girl with a pearl earring, and the girl who will suck her blood
salvagekat: Sarah Palin comes to the party!
salvagekat: party in action
salvagekat: Antje, Tanya, Zdenko
salvagekat: Sarah, showing off her 'talent'
salvagekat: Fraggle and jon
salvagekat: the baker and his bread
salvagekat: Esther and art
salvagekat: Two Sarahs
salvagekat: getting ready for their policy speeches
salvagekat: Girl with a Pearl Earring
salvagekat: The arrival of Cyril and Methodius
salvagekat: Two Antjes!
salvagekat: Par-tay
salvagekat: Proof!
salvagekat: damning
salvagekat: jon and the baker
salvagekat: Tanya and Antje
salvagekat: a scary, scary man
salvagekat: art in action?
salvagekat: the artist breaking to adjust the weave
salvagekat: Ah! seeing double!
salvagekat: Esther as a Fraggle
salvagekat: Jeff in costume
salvagekat: our hostess with the mostest