rise888: Soaring Eagle
rise888: Goofing off in the parking area
rise888: Trail map for Soaring Eagle
rise888: Soaring Eagle
rise888: Soaring Eagle
rise888: Roach raceface Indy leg armour
rise888: Black Diamond Bike Shop
rise888: Devirginized
rise888: Brown all around
rise888: Gears of war
rise888: Turn the wheel for the camera
rise888: Hammering down the trail
rise888: Top to bottom
rise888: Pat bombing down the hill
rise888: Leisurely
rise888: Bumps are fun
rise888: Paradise
rise888: Entrance
rise888: Coming around the bend
rise888: Pat biking
rise888: Rocks scare me
rise888: XTrEmE ACTiON shOT!
rise888: Me biking
rise888: Not as dark as it seems
rise888: Bridge crossing