SaltyDogPhoto: Practice makes... permanent.
SaltyDogPhoto: My Colby turned 2 yesterday. Time flies.
SaltyDogPhoto: Magisto video of mountain biking Swatara Park, PA
SaltyDogPhoto: My boys have proof that I hold the moon...
SaltyDogPhoto: Smile, wait for flash.
SaltyDogPhoto: There is a handsome man if I do say so myself..
SaltyDogPhoto: The world appears to be distorted.
SaltyDogPhoto: Take me with you! You are surely out of this world.
SaltyDogPhoto: Preparation.
SaltyDogPhoto: They want to hold me down and clip my wings, but they can't, NO they can't knock me off my feet.
SaltyDogPhoto: Victor > Victim
SaltyDogPhoto: The eyes don't lie.
SaltyDogPhoto: "Real Man" {see description}
SaltyDogPhoto: You're my Gravity
SaltyDogPhoto: Mondays
SaltyDogPhoto: It doesn't really matter who I used to be. All that matters is who I've become.
SaltyDogPhoto: The best gifts in life can't be found under a tree.
SaltyDogPhoto: Missing Summer Already
SaltyDogPhoto: Some say I'm lucky, but I know I have Gods' favor.
SaltyDogPhoto: Embarrassing throwback of my sister and I. I wish I could go back to this age and start over. No doubt my life would be different.
SaltyDogPhoto: Behind Blue Eyes.
SaltyDogPhoto: Yeah, I'm the guy they talk about, but they don't know who I am, no doubt.
SaltyDogPhoto: o) Discover (Exercise)
SaltyDogPhoto: Hmmm, what am I doing there?
SaltyDogPhoto: Hero to many, Savior to few, Sucker to none.
SaltyDogPhoto: Magic Walls
SaltyDogPhoto: All Apologies
SaltyDogPhoto: Selfie Saturday?
SaltyDogPhoto: See me in a different light.
SaltyDogPhoto: Dusty ol' Hat