saltwood67: Bruno the Schuco bear
saltwood67: Mónica with childhood memory
saltwood67: Schuco-Teddy 'Bruno' and Tomie
saltwood67: Bruno the Schuco teddy bear (HTBT)
saltwood67: Bruno on a tasty motorbike (HTBT)
saltwood67: Bruno is a big help (HTBT)
saltwood67: Gotcha! Without a mask in these times...
saltwood67: Tea for one! - or two...? (HTBT)
saltwood67: with one's back to the wall (HTBT)
saltwood67: Business before pleasure.... (HTBT)
saltwood67: My name is Bruno, not Valentine - every day is a day of love... (HTBT)
saltwood67: Bruno as fast as a puma (HTBT)
saltwood67: Bruno and his relatives
saltwood67: the penholder
saltwood67: Bruno wishes you a Happy Easter!
saltwood67: Bruno and Ursa - Please share a Yes...
saltwood67: Bruno kijkt naar vriend Peter (Bruno looks over at friend Peter)
saltwood67: a paper hat from Peter is perfect for painting work - een papieren hoed van Peter is perfect voor schilderwerk
saltwood67: together it is more fun - samen is het leuker
saltwood67: Bruno makes a phone call with his friends. Let's see if he can reach anyone...
saltwood67: Bruno is ready for the pick-up
saltwood67: heavy worker
saltwood67: Bruno with Red Riding Hood postcard
saltwood67: Bruno takes action
saltwood67: Bruno scares up - differently than planned
saltwood67: the wake-up call for Bruno
saltwood67: tangled
saltwood67: on the run
saltwood67: hanging down
saltwood67: relief for the bladder