saltholme: Orkney ahoy!
saltholme: Skylark (Alauda arvensis)
saltholme: Rock Pipit (Anthus petrosus)
saltholme: The Stones of Stenness
saltholme: Long-tailed duck (Clangula hyemalis
saltholme: Long-tailed duck (Clangula hyemalis
saltholme: Sanderling (Calidris alba subs. alba)
saltholme: Sanderling (Calidris alba)
saltholme: Sands of Evie, Orkney
saltholme: Black guillimot (Cepphus grylle)
saltholme: Bonxie (Stercorarius skua)
saltholme: Scara Brae
saltholme: Broch of Gurness
saltholme: Great-Northern diver (Gavia immer)
saltholme: Red throated diver (Gavia stellata)
saltholme: Heath Spotted/Northern Marsh Orchid hybrid
saltholme: Arctic tern (Sterna paradisaea)
saltholme: Skipi Geo
saltholme: Hooded crow (Corvus cornix)
saltholme: Skipi Geo