SaltGeorge: Cobweb
SaltGeorge: Agapanthus
SaltGeorge: Nasturtium
SaltGeorge: agapanthus
SaltGeorge: a reptile with edible legs
SaltGeorge: Aponogeton distachyos
SaltGeorge: Hosta hearts, #314
SaltGeorge: Athyrium niponicum
SaltGeorge: Sauromatum venosum
SaltGeorge: Heuchera "Leuchtkafer"
SaltGeorge: light
SaltGeorge: Heuchera "Leuchtkafer"
SaltGeorge: Iris pseudacorus "Variegata"
SaltGeorge: Salvia "East Friesland"
SaltGeorge: the second best thing you can do with your lips
SaltGeorge: a democracy of devils
SaltGeorge: the woman in the red dress
SaltGeorge: the white queen
SaltGeorge: Araneus diadematus (Clerck, 1758)