Haj Okuda: 20140222-HO0339-EXT
Haj Okuda: 20121229-HO0063-EXT
Haj Okuda: 20121229-HO0056-EXT
Haj Okuda: 20120731-HO0003-EXT
Haj Okuda: 07.19.12 201/366
Haj Okuda: 06.28.12 180/366
Haj Okuda: 06.20.12 172/366
Haj Okuda: 06.13.12 165/366
Haj Okuda: 06.11.12 163/366
Haj Okuda: 06.10.12 162/366
Haj Okuda: 20120525-HO0033
Haj Okuda: 05.21.12 142/366
Haj Okuda: 05.15.12 136/366 Another boring flower shot
Haj Okuda: Picnic/Painting table
Haj Okuda: 05.07.12 128/366 Getting ready for summer
Haj Okuda: 05.06.12 127/366 A fresh cut
Haj Okuda: 04.30.12 121/366 Apple blossom
Haj Okuda: 04.29.12 120/366 Almost that time of the year again
Haj Okuda: 20120421-HO0103
Haj Okuda: 04.21.12 112/366 Railroad tie
Haj Okuda: 20120421-HO0090
Haj Okuda: 20120421-HO0025
Haj Okuda: 04.02.12 93/366 A sign of spring
Haj Okuda: 03.21.12 81/366 Driveway canvas
Haj Okuda: 03.13.12 73/366 Together in the yard
Haj Okuda: 03.12.12 72/366 Alone in the yard
Haj Okuda: 03.11.12 71/366 Measuring energy
Haj Okuda: 02.29.12 60/366 First real snow of the winter
Haj Okuda: 02.09.12 40/366 Pebbles
Haj Okuda: 20111030-HO0014