seattlerachel: Manchester Christmas Market Epicenter
seattlerachel: Mr. Joule, I presume
seattlerachel: Inside Town Hall
seattlerachel: Saucisson, Manchester Style
seattlerachel: Ho Ho Ho
seattlerachel: Fancy a turkey on your noggin?
seattlerachel: Mama Ain't Raisin No Fool!
seattlerachel: The Mediterranean Stall
seattlerachel: Garlic and Olives!
seattlerachel: Manchester Santa
seattlerachel: Different kind of hot pot than the one I've had
seattlerachel: I wish we had a garden for this!
seattlerachel: Penguin buddies
seattlerachel: Watching walkers go by
seattlerachel: The Witch Way
seattlerachel: Hey, Uncle Abe!
seattlerachel: Duck, Duck, Duck, Duck
seattlerachel: Christmas Wreaths
seattlerachel: It's like he's EVERYWHERE in Europe
seattlerachel: Wot is this?
seattlerachel: He wants you to rot your teeth out!
seattlerachel: A Congregation of Santas
seattlerachel: Wedding Rings by the Pound
seattlerachel: Manchester Pyramid near the Corn Exchange
seattlerachel: Americandy
seattlerachel: Tampopo
seattlerachel: Manchester Town Hall - Christmas Market
seattlerachel: I am unable to leave a market without an ornament, it seems.
seattlerachel: Manchester's Santa
seattlerachel: Above a covered biergarten