sallyeri: Mike looks on as Nancy Pelosi signs H.R 5297 - Small Business Jobs Act of 2010
sallyeri: Nancy Pelosi speaks at the H.R. 5297 - Small Business Jobs Act of 2010 signing ceremony
sallyeri: A reporter talks to Mike after the press conference
sallyeri: Steny Hoyer speaks about passing HR 5297 - Small Business Jobs Act of 2010 to the press
sallyeri: Mike reviews his notes for the press conference
sallyeri: DSC_1566
sallyeri: Horn Point
sallyeri: Our home in the snow
sallyeri: Altering the bed
sallyeri: Great room
sallyeri: Front porch light
sallyeri: living room and dining room
sallyeri: Annapolis in the snow
sallyeri: Annapolis in the snow
sallyeri: Annapolis in the snow
sallyeri: DSC_1364
sallyeri: Annapolis in the Snow
sallyeri: Annapolis in the Snow
sallyeri: Annapolis in the Snow
sallyeri: Annapolis in the Snow
sallyeri: Annapolis in the Snow
sallyeri: Annapolis in the Snow
sallyeri: Eastport Yellow Dogs - 3rd Birthday
sallyeri: Mike kayaking in Spa Creek, Annapolis, Maryland
sallyeri: Johnny Depp's Boat
sallyeri: Sedums attract bees and butterflies
sallyeri: Eastport Porches
sallyeri: The beauty of orange plastic
sallyeri: Schooner Woodwind
sallyeri: Mom & Dad's 50th Anniversary Party