sallyeri: Mike waits in the Capitol Crypt before Steny Hoyer's press conference
sallyeri: Mike reviews his notes for the press conference
sallyeri: Mike talks with Terry Gardiner before the press conference
sallyeri: Members of the press
sallyeri: Waiting for the speakers before the press conference
sallyeri: Steny Hoyer speaks about passing HR 5297 - Small Business Jobs Act of 2010 to the press
sallyeri: Steny Hoyer speaks about passing HR 5297 - Small Business Jobs Act of 2010 to the press
sallyeri: Steny Hoyer speaks about passing HR 5297 - Small Business Jobs Act of 2010 to the press
sallyeri: Mike waits to speak at the press conference
sallyeri: Rep. Chris Van Hollen speaks at the press conference for HR 5297
sallyeri: Rep. Chris Van Hollen speaks at the press conference for HR 5297
sallyeri: Terry Gardiner of the Small Business Majority speaks at the HR 5297 press conferenc e
sallyeri: Terry Gardiner of the Small Business Majority speaks at the HR 5297 press conferenc e
sallyeri: Terry Gardiner of the Small Business Majority speaks at the HR 5297 press conferenc e
sallyeri: Terry Gardiner of the Small Business Majority speaks at the HR 5297 press conferenc e
sallyeri: Steny Hoyer wraps up the press conference
sallyeri: Members of the press
sallyeri: A reporter talks to Mike after the press conference
sallyeri: Small business owners wait in a room in the Speaker of the House's office
sallyeri: Small business owners wait in a room in the Speaker of the House's office
sallyeri: Photographers at the signing ceremony
sallyeri: Signing ceremony stage with the National Mall in the background
sallyeri: Signing ceremony stage with the National Mall in the background
sallyeri: The press sets up for the signing ceremony
sallyeri: The audience for the signing ceremony
sallyeri: The stage for the signing ceremony
sallyeri: You know he wants to just grab the microphone and get something off his chest
sallyeri: Arranging small business owners on stage
sallyeri: Mike stands on stage before members of Congress enter
sallyeri: Mike drinks water before members of Congress enter