sallyeri: An ugly bulkhead
sallyeri: Ugly bulkhead
sallyeri: Ugly bulkhead in the great room
sallyeri: Bulkheads in the office
sallyeri: Bulkheads in the office
sallyeri: Big bulkhead in the office
sallyeri: Little bulkhead in the office
sallyeri: Ugly bulkhead in the great room
sallyeri: Sheet rock in the great room
sallyeri: Sheet rock on the other side of the great room and the kitchen
sallyeri: Sheet rock in the kitchen
sallyeri: Entrances to the office and the basement
sallyeri: Sheetrock in the kitchen and greatroom
sallyeri: Sheet rock in the dining room
sallyeri: Sheet rock in the living room
sallyeri: Sheet rock in the guest bedroom
sallyeri: The guest bedroom closet on the right, and the entrance to the bathroom on the left
sallyeri: The guest bathroom
sallyeri: The guest bathroom
sallyeri: Sheet rock on the stairwell to the master suite
sallyeri: The space above the master suite stairwell
sallyeri: The 2nd floor entrance to the master suite stairwell
sallyeri: Sheet rock in the master bedroom
sallyeri: Sheet rock in the master bedroom
sallyeri: The neighbor's fire pit
sallyeri: Sheet rock in the master bedroom
sallyeri: The door way to the master bathroom
sallyeri: The walk in closet on the left, the linen closet on the right
sallyeri: The door to the walk in closet
sallyeri: Sheet rock in the master bedroom closet