sallyeri: Insulation!
sallyeri: The last of the windows installed
sallyeri: DSC_0958
sallyeri: Pipes, pipes, and more pipes
sallyeri: Insulation in the kitchen
sallyeri: DSC_0961
sallyeri: Floor framing in the attic
sallyeri: Insulation in the master bathroom
sallyeri: Insulation in the ceiling
sallyeri: Another microlam beam
sallyeri: Power bar
sallyeri: A working outlet
sallyeri: I'm baffled
sallyeri: For stair railings
sallyeri: For stair rails
sallyeri: Installing sheet rock
sallyeri: Sheetrock goes up in 6 hours
sallyeri: Sheetrock goes up in 6 hours
sallyeri: Sheetrock goes up in 6 hours
sallyeri: Sheetrock goes up in 6 hours