A river runs through: Just down the street
A river runs through: Washington Monument
A river runs through: Another view
A river runs through: The Federal Triangle
A river runs through: Inside the Old Post Office
A river runs through: Washington Monument
A river runs through: The Lincoln Memorial
A river runs through: Honest Abe
A river runs through: The Whitehouse
A river runs through: Crossing the street
A river runs through: Relatively Empty Streets
A river runs through: Not everyone walked
A river runs through: Homeless man
A river runs through: Barack and I
A river runs through: Random Banana
A river runs through: Crowd shot
A river runs through: Crowd funneling around a barrier
A river runs through: Street Scene
A river runs through: In Back of the White House
A river runs through: Looking up
A river runs through: Admiral Farrugut
A river runs through: Lion of Canova
A river runs through: Reflection Washington Monument
A river runs through: View through some remaining blossoms
A river runs through: Tulip with monument