Salem State Archives:
Miss Archer's Second Grade Class
Salem State Archives:
[Bentley School.]
Salem State Archives:
[Class Picture at Salem High.]
Salem State Archives:
Jenifer Stone and Lydia Farnam Singing the National Anthem
Salem State Archives:
Lynnfield High School 1992 Graduates
Salem State Archives:
Veterans Memorial High School Graduation Crowd
Salem State Archives:
Graduation Ceremony
Salem State Archives:
Kristen Kehoe Speaking at Veterans Memorial High School
Salem State Archives:
Joseph Salerno Presenting a Scholarship to Michelle Charette
Salem State Archives:
Lorna Shaw, Alison Gately, and Becca Johnston
Salem State Archives:
Joshua Woodfork Speaking at the Swampscott High School Graduation
Salem State Archives:
Tien Le with Graduation Flowers
Salem State Archives:
Robert Grover Blowing Bubbles
Salem State Archives:
Denise Arruda and Thomas Maccarone Watching the Swampscott High School Graduation
Salem State Archives:
Alexa Cardile Reading her Commencement Speech
Salem State Archives:
Beverly High Prom Night
Salem State Archives:
Beverly High Prom Night
Salem State Archives:
Hamilton-Wenham Regional High School Graduation Celebration
Salem State Archives:
Amanda Knott Speaking at the Beverly High School Graduation
Salem State Archives:
Jason Carlow Speaking at the Beverly High School Graduation
Salem State Archives:
Colleen Kelly Speaking at the Ipswich High School Graduation
Salem State Archives:
John Maglio and John McAnespie
Salem State Archives:
Damian Johnson Speaking at the Salem High School Graduation
Salem State Archives:
Jennifer Machado Speaking at the Salem High School Graduation
Salem State Archives:
Laura Michalski Reading Invocation at North Shore Technical High School Graduation
Salem State Archives:
James Palicki, Kim Resso, and Karen Todd Waiting for their Graduation Ceremony
Salem State Archives:
Darci Palmguist Speaking at her Graduation from Danvers High School
Salem State Archives:
Dean Fanikos Speaking at the St. John's Preparatory School Graduation
Salem State Archives:
Kristen Smith Speaking at the Danvers High School Graduation
Salem State Archives:
Bryan O'Laughlin and Erik Loth Jr. at the St. John's Preparator School Graduation