saldous: Joe
saldous: Matt
saldous: Go go gadget arms.!!
saldous: Joseph Wood Hill Park
saldous: Rocky Butte
saldous: Perfect Day -
saldous: Giants
saldous: WarpSpeed, Scotty!!
saldous: 10 seconds of Portland
saldous: Portland @ 13mm
saldous: mlst rock crawling
saldous: Boys and their toys
saldous: Mini Lst
saldous: Still clean, but we only just started ;-)
saldous: Swing and a miss.!
saldous: Been there done that.!
saldous: Mount St. Helens
saldous: Weisendanger Falls
saldous: Weisendanger Falls
saldous: Slow ride... take it easy
saldous: Elowah Falls
saldous: Ponytail Falls
saldous: Bridal Veil Falls in Oregon
saldous: 10mm's of Josh
saldous: Josh on the rocks
saldous: Lunch time
saldous: Jeep
saldous: Yellow tulips