Excellent Adventure2007: Cote de Grinton
Excellent Adventure2007: King of the Mountains?
Excellent Adventure2007: 10:30, Grinton Moor
Excellent Adventure2007: Looking along the route
Excellent Adventure2007: Looking along the route
Excellent Adventure2007: Towards the summit
Excellent Adventure2007: The caravan arrives on Grinton Moor
Excellent Adventure2007: Caravan arrives
Excellent Adventure2007: One of a few strange vehicles in the caravan
Excellent Adventure2007: Peleton arrives on Grinton Moor
Excellent Adventure2007: Filmed from above
Excellent Adventure2007: Wool shop window, with knitted bike
Excellent Adventure2007: Bakery window, with bread bike
Excellent Adventure2007: Nursery window
Excellent Adventure2007: Roundabout, Richmond
Excellent Adventure2007: Yellow window boxes at the King's Head
Excellent Adventure2007: Butcher's shop window
Excellent Adventure2007: Bike on the park fence