Sakuto: Why are You afraid of the face of God?
Sakuto: Never is too late
Sakuto: ordinary day
Sakuto: "My Day" Blue Foundation
Sakuto: People we meet
Sakuto: Portrait. Get closer.
Sakuto: DSC_6082
Sakuto: DSC_5416
Sakuto: DSC_6090
Sakuto: DSC_6086 Clint Eastwood?
Sakuto: Je Taime DSC_3131
Sakuto: IMG_6226 My mom
Sakuto: _MG_9140
Sakuto: _MG_9132 Redhead
Sakuto: _MG_9134 Harbor
Sakuto: _MG_9201
Sakuto: _MG_9230 Immigrant family.
Sakuto: _MG_9200 Smoked plastic fork.
Sakuto: _MG_9147 Pier
Sakuto: _MG_9415
Sakuto: IMG_0375 Big Fish
Sakuto: Ready to go
Sakuto: Pieniny, several dozens years ago.
Sakuto: IMG_0376 Why we don't like photos of ourselves?
Sakuto: Law for people, people for law.
Sakuto: IMG_3696
Sakuto: IMG_4037
Sakuto: Stargazing...
Sakuto: IMG_4373