secret agent josephine: super complicated circle-making device
secret agent josephine: burro template
secret agent josephine: no needle needed
secret agent josephine: threading body parts
secret agent josephine: it was a lonely world out there in foam core land...
secret agent josephine: secret candy stash
secret agent josephine: does this elastic thread make my butt look big?
secret agent josephine: cut a small x
secret agent josephine: cutting hatches around the edge
secret agent josephine: a rainbow of tissue!
secret agent josephine: applying glue
secret agent josephine: 'round and 'round we go
secret agent josephine: finish the inner circle
secret agent josephine: affix like so
secret agent josephine: with a side of sombrero
secret agent josephine: hey, lets say you and me do a hat dance?
secret agent josephine: mini pinatas unite!
secret agent josephine: where's your person?
secret agent josephine: why yes, that is a very small sombrero
secret agent josephine: Pedro eyed the floating hat suspiciously.
secret agent josephine: tiny little floating Mexican hat
secret agent josephine: Roberto the red-nosed reighndeer
secret agent josephine: you lookin' at me?