secret agent josephine: I think my random scribbles for Baby Bug are better than my paintings
secret agent josephine: "swirlies in the key of G"
secret agent josephine: homemade wrapping paper
secret agent josephine: Baby Bug helped me decorate my swaparooni box
secret agent josephine: B Bug Wrapping Paper
secret agent josephine: latest masterpiece
secret agent josephine: even the crocs are getting in the mood for Christmas
secret agent josephine: more Baby Bug wrapping paper
secret agent josephine: unfortunately it looks like mommy took over on this one
secret agent josephine: coffee and notes
secret agent josephine: colorful circles for a gray day
secret agent josephine: I've been a little preoccupied
secret agent josephine: bubble eyed fish
secret agent josephine: here fishy fishy
secret agent josephine: doing some vacuuming
secret agent josephine: June 16th, 2006
secret agent josephine: adding some detail to Mommy's Sergio
secret agent josephine: Sergio is a little worse for wear
secret agent josephine: more wrapping paper perhaps...
secret agent josephine: it's beginning to feel a lot like FALL
secret agent josephine: say goodbye to mr. monster
secret agent josephine: 7Days: Day 2 "Action"