Ariel ♈: Let's talk face to face. (explored)
Ariel ♈: Go Separately 分道扬镳
Ariel ♈: So, I took the rest of the day off to be sad, and then I'll come back to work tomorrow ready to take care of business. (explored)
Ariel ♈: Our character is what we do when we think no one is looking.
Ariel ♈: She was disarming.
Ariel ♈: Outrageous
Ariel ♈: Immunity (explored)
Ariel ♈: There's a voice that calls remember who you are......
Ariel ♈: 物是人非
Ariel ♈: 遗失的美好
Ariel ♈: Too Early To Give Up
Ariel ♈: Hello, Monday
Ariel ♈: Measure
Ariel ♈: Homesick (explored)
Ariel ♈: Signs
Ariel ♈: Under the Sleeping Sun
Ariel ♈: Some cause happiness wherever they go, others, whenever they go.
Ariel ♈: A lot "fake"
Ariel ♈: Chinese cook
Ariel ♈: 心中有牵挂才会变得坚强 (explored)