saimo_mx70: Statue of Pierre De Wissant (Nude Detail) by Auguste Rodin
saimo_mx70: Statue of Pierre De Wissant (Nude) by Auguste Rodin
saimo_mx70: Walking Man by Auguste Rodin
saimo_mx70: Statue of Pierre De Wissant (Dressed Detail) by Auguste Rodin
saimo_mx70: Statue of Pierre De Wissant (Dressed) by Auguste Rodin
saimo_mx70: Statue by Auguste Rodin (Title anyone?)
saimo_mx70: Statue of Jean De Fiennes (Dressed) by Auguste Rodin
saimo_mx70: Statue the Burchers of Calais by Auguste Rodin
saimo_mx70: Statue Monument to Balzac by Auguste Rodin
saimo_mx70: Front Entrance to the Norton Simon Museum Pasadena, California
saimo_mx70: God Vishnu with Personified Attributes India, 9th Century Sandstone
saimo_mx70: A Goddess Cambodia Angkor Period, 12th Century Sandstone
saimo_mx70: Hindu God Rama (?) 975, India Sandstone
saimo_mx70: Portrait of a Lady, by Justus Sustermans
saimo_mx70: Suicide of Cleopatra 1621, by Giovanni Francesco Barbieri
saimo_mx70: Portrait of Sabastian Munster 1597-1600, by Peter Paul Rubens
saimo_mx70: Saint Ignatius of Loyola 1620-22, by Peter Paul Rubens
saimo_mx70: Saint Thomas of Villanueva Giving Alms to the Poor 1678, by Bartolome-Esteban Murillo
saimo_mx70: The Sence of Touch 1615-16, by Jusepe de Ribera
saimo_mx70: Birth of the Virgin 1696-98, by Luca Giordano
saimo_mx70: The Birth of the Virgin 1627, by Francisco de Zurbaran
saimo_mx70: Saint Francis in Prayer 1638-39, by Francisco de Zurbaran
saimo_mx70: Still Life with Lemons, Oranges and a Rose 1633, by Francisco de Zurbaran
saimo_mx70: Saint Cecelia 1606, by Guido Reni
saimo_mx70: Saint Joseph and the Infant Christ 1670-85, by Giovanni Battisita Gaulli
saimo_mx70: The Birth of Saint John the Baptist 1655, by Bartolome-Esteban Murillo
saimo_mx70: David Slaying Goliath 1616, by Peter paul Rubens
saimo_mx70: The Holy Women at the Sepulchre 1611-14, by Peter Paul Rubens
saimo_mx70: Meleager and Atalanta and the Hunt of the Calydonian Boar 1618-19, by Peter Paul Rubens
saimo_mx70: Flowers in a Glass Beaker 1620, by Ambrosius Bosschaert, the Elder