Sailor Coruscant: Luna and my Breakfast...
Sailor Coruscant: Mountains...
Sailor Coruscant: View from my hotel room...
Sailor Coruscant: Moon over Santiago...
Sailor Coruscant: Diffraction pattern
Sailor Coruscant: The Bad Penguin Collection
Sailor Coruscant: My plane.
Sailor Coruscant: Boarding pass
Sailor Coruscant: More mountains...
Sailor Coruscant: Mountains!
Sailor Coruscant: Out the Window...
Sailor Coruscant: In case of emergency...
Sailor Coruscant: Youth Hostel...
Sailor Coruscant: My first trip to the beach...
Sailor Coruscant: Looks like rain...
Sailor Coruscant: From the roof..
Sailor Coruscant: Capoeira!
Sailor Coruscant: And from the roof again.
Sailor Coruscant: Adding the foam.
Sailor Coruscant: Graffiti...
Sailor Coruscant: Sarongs...
Sailor Coruscant: Coconuts!
Sailor Coruscant: A better day...
Sailor Coruscant: Rooster!
Sailor Coruscant: No swimming.
Sailor Coruscant: The Conference Centre...
Sailor Coruscant: Introduction to Dark Matter...