Sayali Sheth: Driving into the Avenue of the Giants
Sayali Sheth: Avenue of the Giants
Sayali Sheth: this stuff grows on everything
Sayali Sheth: here's more of the stuff..
Sayali Sheth: the giants
Sayali Sheth: looking tall
Sayali Sheth: Giant roots
Sayali Sheth: roots.. they look like enormous dried spice
Sayali Sheth: this is the fallen giant.. look how big it is as compared to a human!
Sayali Sheth: That's all you see.. everywhere..
Sayali Sheth: The lost coast. Did you spot the ocean?
Sayali Sheth: Looking back
Sayali Sheth: the lost coast.. Found it!
Sayali Sheth: They look angry that I interrupted their grazing!
Sayali Sheth: even dead wood looks artsy!
Sayali Sheth: keep going!
Sayali Sheth: the amazing sunset. I was so enraptured, I forgot to turn my car headlights off and could have been stranded in the middle of nowhere.. but it's still beautiful
Sayali Sheth: Sunset @ Crater Lake
Sayali Sheth: More of the sunset
Sayali Sheth: Crater Lake.. or is it an illusion..
Sayali Sheth: Nope! It's a real lake... it's just mind blowingly beautiful!