sahlgoode: "Your honor, I technically didn't actually kill that guy.."
sahlgoode: Change doesn't happen if you just sit back and watch. ?
sahlgoode: Whatknot
sahlgoode: ? ü
sahlgoode: The silent majority is by no means a proven majority
sahlgoode: What is freedom of expression? Without the freedom to offend, it ceases to exist-Salman Rushdi
sahlgoode: Searching for Evidence
sahlgoode: Take down at Canada Place
sahlgoode: Escort Service
sahlgoode: Gibson Stabbing 4
sahlgoode: Gibson Stabbing 3
sahlgoode: Gibson Stabbing 2
sahlgoode: Gibson Stabbing 1
sahlgoode: CTV cameraman
sahlgoode: EPS keeping it all cool.
sahlgoode: Close quarters.
sahlgoode: multitude
sahlgoode: Oh No!!!!!!!!
sahlgoode: Reflected Fire Fighter
sahlgoode: More Quarters changes
sahlgoode: Technique
sahlgoode: Tell me it isn't so......
sahlgoode: Pouring it on.
sahlgoode: Feeder Plug
sahlgoode: Lumley
sahlgoode: Tumbling Down
sahlgoode: No Spring this year
sahlgoode: Trio of Heros
sahlgoode: Nelson on the scene