pixiesagwa1( here when I can): Meet Annabelle! #4
pixiesagwa1( here when I can): an awesome mail day!!
pixiesagwa1( here when I can): hanging on the bed
pixiesagwa1( here when I can): Thank you, willowee!! You made our day 125/365 Bl♥ved
pixiesagwa1( here when I can): by the downtown christmas tree
pixiesagwa1( here when I can): riding around town
pixiesagwa1( here when I can): Sleeping sweetly Annabelle
pixiesagwa1( here when I can): *whispers* I heard we are getting LOTS of presents
pixiesagwa1( here when I can): outta the ways!! 115/365 Bl♥ved
pixiesagwa1( here when I can): what is THIS?? 116/365 Bl♥ved
pixiesagwa1( here when I can): these decorations are wonderful,Momma 117/365Bl♥ved
pixiesagwa1( here when I can): thank you, Auntie Sarah!! 119/365Bl♥ved
pixiesagwa1( here when I can): thank you, Auntie, Jessi and Aunti Linda!! 120/365Bl♥ved
pixiesagwa1( here when I can): 1st Christmas present 123/365 Bl♥ved
pixiesagwa1( here when I can): 124/365 Bl♥ved Reindeer that reports to Santa!
pixiesagwa1( here when I can): Happy Valentine's to our Flickr friends 182/365 Bl♥ved
pixiesagwa1( here when I can): del sol 185/365 Bl♥ved
pixiesagwa1( here when I can): The Oscar Line up 194/365