Herminio.: Debat II
Herminio.: Oteiza debate Meier
Herminio.: Breaks the Air [Explore 29.12.2014]
Herminio.: Mentor
Herminio.: "If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster and treat those two impostors just the same"
Herminio.: Contemporani
Herminio.: The limit is Barcelona
Herminio.: "You know only a heap of broken images, where the sun beats" [Explore 04.05.2014]
Herminio.: The Pic
Herminio.: Civilization and Its Discontents
Herminio.: Watchtower
Herminio.: MACBA elements
Herminio.: Enjoy life
Herminio.: La cantera
Herminio.: Tres
Herminio.: Volum!
Herminio.: La Carverna - The Cavern [Explore 16.04.2012]
Herminio.: Mensaje
Herminio.: La balconada
Herminio.: The Corner
Herminio.: Double
Herminio.: El Cilindre
Herminio.: La Base
Herminio.: El Pilar
Herminio.: La Curva
Herminio.: Abril
Herminio.: Sunday Morning
Herminio.: Elipse