Safron Rat:
Petra not being a tart at all
Safron Rat:
Jo and the two choices of the night
Safron Rat:
Kev desparately trying to be the one
Safron Rat:
Kev will try anything to be Mr Right
Safron Rat:
But then Antney doesn't really care
Safron Rat:
God Jo is bored but too polite to say
Safron Rat:
OOh what a pout!
Safron Rat:
Remember I get sober at some point!
Safron Rat:
When did Damien become a BeeGee?
Safron Rat:
Petra, Bee Gee and his dad
Safron Rat:
Kev and Antny
Safron Rat:
Safron Rat:
Squirrel with a hand grenade
Safron Rat:
Kev, Damian and Kevin
Safron Rat:
Damian is really practicing that Bee Gee smile
Safron Rat:
Damian and his dad