safoocat: long exposure time colored lights
safoocat: handicapped decal
safoocat: purple iris
safoocat: sunrise with clouds, tree, & bird
safoocat: License plate tags
safoocat: Alvin map wheel
safoocat: curves on a redwood tree for the Saturday Self-Challenge
safoocat: retro lightbulb sepia
safoocat: puff ball 030917
safoocat: squirrel in a tree b+w s70
safoocat: Bella 33117
safoocat: cat by tire 4617 Square format for the Saturday Self-Challenge
safoocat: Easter flowers
safoocat: yard garden for Earth Day
safoocat: selfie in door window 4 29 17
safoocat: squirrel on a wire 4 30 17 Saturday Self-Challenge
safoocat: crew, a painting displayed in the PAMF building
safoocat: dead pine: taken 5 20 17
safoocat: urban landscape submitted for the SSC group
safoocat: cloud covered moon
safoocat: as the bird sings tranquility will follow
safoocat: Cathy motion blur 6 19 17
safoocat: Cathy in the galley of the Roadtrek 6 26 17
safoocat: ice cream dessert
safoocat: oak tree at the Sunnyvale library
safoocat: fire sprinkler hook ups
safoocat: Audie 8717 & dog walk for Saturday Self-Challenge: transportation
safoocat: Pink Scion
safoocat: Panorama
safoocat: A single rose Saturday Self-Challenge: garden