safiyya307: first stop: Ambady Palmgrove Club, Cochin, Kerala
safiyya307: seaview room
safiyya307: coffee table in our room
safiyya307: our room from the outside
safiyya307: hotel restaurant
safiyya307: checking out the sea view
safiyya307: this boat has seen better days
safiyya307: cld see chinese fishing nets from our hotel
safiyya307: our hotel
safiyya307: the cute car we drove in for the week
safiyya307: hotel building
safiyya307: pathetic golf club
safiyya307: maybe no one maintained it since 1923
safiyya307: IMG_1225
safiyya307: Chinese fishing net
safiyya307: row of nets
safiyya307: fisherman untangling his net
safiyya307: IMG_1235
safiyya307: modern vs traditional
safiyya307: IMG_1240
safiyya307: tried to take couple shots wherever we went :)
safiyya307: couple shadow
safiyya307: IMG_1247
safiyya307: our incidental candlelight dinner..nice ambience
safiyya307: my hubby
safiyya307: ahh lovely first nite in Cochin
safiyya307: he wanted me to do a mona lisa...think i failed miserably...
safiyya307: such a pretty bill box
safiyya307: ready to set out in the morn
safiyya307: lobby